Astrology improves your finance

what is astro-finance

Astro-finance is something that may look funny when you hear the word but has its own meaning when you see the realms of it

I hope, I have all the right to say something about it as I have lost every pie that I had, my pride and prestige, friends and relatives, almost everything-yes-almost everything as I ventured into too many business with hectic borrowings beyond my capacity-but to say-money poured in all ways-borrowed to pay. Finally, when I was standing in the middle of the road, there came a person to ask-why have you not consulted an Astrologer-he would have guided you'.

That looks nasty. Isn’t it. Consulting an Astrologer for your doings? Do millions of billionaires consult Astrologers before they leapt it? Forget it. Might be some body could have done. Many have not. But most of the eastern hemisphere, asian-in particular-knows what Astrology is and let me tell about something people who knows about it.

Yes and finally I did. Consulted not one but three different Astrologers using different traditions of Astrology. I will talk in detail in my coming blogs, but the essence is – yes they did tell me what and how i transitioned without uttering not even a word about me. Well. That’s it. May be its my destiny. But Astrology can say what I should or shouldn’t do. Now they have shown me the way and that is how you are reading my blogs now. I am placing before you what I have learnt in the form of explanation, exploration, experiment, education but not with exaggeration.

No. I am not sponsoring or advocating anything. You may take it as my suggestions before you leap. Right things at right time, right place in right direction, with right people with right amount of money.

Designed and written by:

Sethumadhavan Venkatrao

Chennai, Tamilnadu, India 


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