Momentary (e)motional mishaps

 Man is a Social Animal

What do we mean by Social. Sociology is the science of Society. Though society has a broader meaning, it is something about a group of peoples' association. The very object should be for good but sometimes it turns out to be for worst. And here, the outlook of the Man as a social animal skips 'social' in it and exposes only 'animal'. This reference I make in the events of suicide of individuals, brutal behaviour of rapists, rioters, mob attackers, communal violence mongers and the list is inconclusive. None of the animal commits suicide, abet suicide, Kills its pray for except for its food, create nuisance in human habitats, indulge into collective rape, etc.,

What is the reason behind all the above activities. A sharp look can tell you that all these are based on emotional outburst. An emotional imbalance, forces an individual to commit suicide. Induced emotions are the cause of rape and murder. But what is the case of riots, mob attacking? A momentary outburst of anger among the gathering of people when provoked. Communal violence mongers can be termed as opportunists backed by people of vested interest.

I would like to mention two cases of suicide by two highly regarded people. One a top business man Mr. V.G. Sidharth of CCD and another fast upcoming Hindi Actor Sushant Singh Rajput. What had driven them to this extreme step. Didn't they get what they wanted in this material word? Name, fame and money. But what abetted them. A fractional emotional imbalance. 

Next I take up 'Nirbhaya' s case. In December 2012, Ms. Nirbhaya, a physiotherapy student on her way back home brutally raped and assaulted in a bus in Delhi, who later died. The conviction took 8 years after hectic parlaying. Six people pounced and what drove them to such brutal status? Induced emotions, locational advantage were cited as the reasons. Four of the accused were hanged to death. One died during trial. Ultimately what did they get for that momentary emotional imbalance leading to so many mishaps?

Now it is time to talk about revolution, riots, violence and war. We know about French Revolution. It is the resultant of poor people's desperation and resentment resulted in resorting to rioting, looting and striking against a regime of King Louis XVI, who by his extravagant spending drained his Government's Treasury and imposed heavy taxes  It is the emotional outburst of people.

"I know that men are won over less by the written than by the spoken word, that every great movement on this earth owes its growth to great orators and not to great writers" - that was a quote by Adolf Hitler in 1925. The influence of Adolf Hitler's emotional oratorical skill  was such at a time people were most willing to follow him as he seemed to have the right answers in a time of enormous economic upheaval. People were bewitched by his speech, which is more than 5000 in numbers. But this man who created largest German political party, conquered a dozen nations, and slaughtered as many as 21 million people during his brutal 12 year of Dictatorship a history which people will never forget for Centuries to come, died killing himself.

But India has seen an absolutely contradictory silent revolution against the British Rule, lead by our Great 'Mahatma'. Setting aside the brief tint of leader of Indian National Army Sri Netaji Subash Chandra Bose parading his Indian soldiers in 1942 against the British, proving futile, the Indian people got the liberation from the British Rule by 'Satyagraha' and 'ahimsa' meaning in a soft way.

Gone are such days and now we see almost everyday, some sort of violence, revolt, riot, political unrest, all created by people of vested interest. Please recall what has happened in US Capitol building on January 6, 2021. A violent mob of President Trump supporters, angry rioters claiming election fraud conspiracy gathered in thousands and stormed into the building vandalised and destroyed property and disrupted the ongoing joint session of Congress. Where has gone the Pride and Prestige of the President's dignity and decorum? The power enjoyed as a President and the attraction towards power, failed President Trump to concede defeat and relinquish with pride.

The above incident is a result of People becoming emotionally charged, skip reason, believe in hearsay without any material evidence and gather in number, virtually and in real life. It can happen any where and happening everywhere. We are carried away by emotions  without understanding the reason and motive and thus destroying our own life. None of us mentally strong enough to fight against manipulation. Because our emotions are a stronger force, we skip reasoning. Emotions are inducing us to act and believe faster than looking for reason. At times our emotions make us not to believe real reason even when it is there.

Look at the advertisement, media, movies, books and TV. What are they showing us? A marketing strategy stimulating and emanating the emotional response from us. They succeed to connect to people emotionally. In movies we see the Hero beat ten people who are bulky, simultaneously, which we fail to see at its improbability logically.

What do our politicians do? Nothing but see the General public, in their terms-the vote bank or voters-are moved emotional as that will often decide the decision of voters. We do not vote on the logical reasons of economy or Good governance but look for freebies ,kindling the emotional reasons like caste, religion and community along with regional segmentation.

Finally, we need emotions in our life to live but we should caution ourselves against factors that forbids from rational reasoning and do not permit our mind to fall a victim to an illogical or irrational video projecting and providing something unrealistic.

Let us pray that momentary emotions do not lead our life into mishaps.

Concept & Design by:

Sethumadhavan venkatrao

Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.




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