Astro Ca(u)re


Astro Ca(u)re 

Hello folks. 

Welcome to my another episode of Astrological outlook and its materialistic impact on the Humans.

Care or Cure in General or specific is about describing Health or Medical terms. Hence this edition talks about Astrological fore view on Human health and probable influence of planetary movements at present on the native based on the fixed planets in the basic chart. Also it helps in finding ways to predict, protect and prevent at possible junctures with the help of God or nature as one follows.

Ancient times saw saints and sages absolved nature unto themselves as they inhaled pure oxygen, practiced Yoga and pranayama, had natural vegetation and pollution and acoustics free environment. They observed nature, season and surrounded habitat and learnt to live trouble free. Animals around them were either herbivores or predators. Fierce animals hounded in their fight used to rub or scrub on shrubs to get cured of their wounds. Saints and Sages observed these plants and used them for treating humans falling sick.. Herbals or medicinal plants of these kind were categorised and classified by them and used for ages. 

Relativity theory

How do you corelate planets to nature and plants or animals? Our great saints and sages observed that growth of plants depend mainly on earth, heat energy, water, air (carbon-di-oxide) and up towards heaven. These five elements are classified as Five tattvas or basics of nature. It is equally applicable to human beings as human body constitutes of these five elements as skin, bone, flesh, blood and air in the form of pranayama or breath for survival. Ultimately the saints and sages found that all living creatures and nature depends on the planetary movements and their influence is directly felt in humans.

Then came the derivatives of classification of Seven planets and two nodes. These sages and saints are believed to have left their body (a fete attained by transcendental meditation) travelled in the universe to find out how these planets are posited, the distance between them, their traverse etc., and recorded them and passed it on through their disciples through whom what astrology is in its present form. Hence those days those who treated patients were good astrologers and in turn those who practiced astrology treated their patients.

What this post is about

Humpty number of astrologers are serving to this mankind in this era, as a transformation is seen in the mindset of human beings to know and act to meet the unforeseen. 

One such person who stands tall among these contemporaries is Mr. S. Gopalakrishnan, an efficient and learned astrologer from the textile town of Tirupur, South India. His father (Late) Shri. N. Selvarasu pillai was also a renowned astrologer himself.  Mr. S. Gopalakrishnan had his tutorials from Shri Guru Ramasubbu and Jyotish pythamaga (Late) Shri K. S. Krishnamurthy of KP (Krishnamurthy Paththathi). He needs special mention because of his new innovative method of prediction named 'CHANDRA NADI'. It uses the present movement of the Moon traversing on the planets at the time of Birth and gives an accurate prediction of what the native's cause and effect. Also on the cards is his 'DEGREE SYSTEM OF ASTROLOGY' which indicates the virtual effects of planets placed in closest degrees or in parallel degrees in any zodiac sign giving effect to association of planets in same sign.

Mr. S. Gopalakrishnan has penned more than 50 books, each one is a Gem by itself and top of all is the Platinum of his writings 'the MEDICAL ASTROLOGY' book. This book is rare of the rarest as it has to be called. Mr. S. Gopalakrishnan has gone through roughly about 0.18 million of horoscopes' 182000 to be precise and made a research to arrive at his contribution. In his own words, there are about 521 (Five hundred and twenty one) types of known diseases prevalent in humans. There are about 665 rules to find them in medical astrology. Harmonic imbalance, deficiency in glands, malfunction of parts of body, fever, basic and abnormal diseases, heart and liver failures, diabetes, blood pressure are some of the most commonly known. According to him a plant's growth is affected either lack of water or over watering it. Human system is such that his body is influenced by the planets present in his basic horoscope either in lowest degree (LD) or highest degree(HD) in the zodiac sign. Planets positioned in the Highest degree is always there to help the native but the native is always attracted towards the planet posited in the Lowest degree which is indicative of his/her desire. So a native is pulled on either side by the planets in Lowest degree and on the other side by the planet placed in the Highest degree.

Mr. S. Gopalakrishnan explains the impact of the Nine planets in the formation of a Child:

Planet responsible for the formation of head of the Child is Mars
Planet responsible for the formation of face of the Child is Sukran or Venus
Planet responsible for the formation of neck of the Child is Mercury
Planet responsible for the formation of skin of the Child is the Moon
Planet responsible for the formation of chest of the Child is the Sun
Planet responsible for the formation of abdomen of the Child is the Jupiter
Planet responsible for the formation of thighs of the Child is the Saturn
Planet responsible for the formation of bones of the Child is  Rahu/Upper Node
Planet responsible for the formation of feet of the Child is Ketu/Lower Node

Hence all the Nine planets are responsible in the formation and growth of a Child. Any irregularity in the movements of the planets cause deficiency or defect in that part of the Child.

According to Mr. S. Gopalakrishnan, if the Birth chart of both the parents of the Child is analysed properly based on the conjunction of combined planetary effects on the Child to be born, the longevity, health and complexity of the body can be made known.

Simple theory on Diabetes

Although there is no specific zodiac sign is responsible for Diabetes, the planets Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are responsible for deficiency of Glycogen. If these planets are posited in the 6th, 8th or 12th house from Lagna or the time of Birth, the native will be suffering from Diabetes. Similarly, if Watery signs namely Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces happens to be 6th, 8th or 12th houses of the native, he is more likely to be suffering from Diabetes.

Friends, this is just excerpts  from the 'MEDICAL ASTROLOGY' book penned by Mr. S. Gopalakrishnan of Tirupur, South India, India. GK Astro Academy is an academy run by him with renowned scholars and familiar astrologers teaching n number of students in the traditional 'GURUKUL'  style. He aims at promoting astrology to the core and wish to see one member of every family to learn and practice astrology for the welfare of his/her own family as well his circle of friends and relatives.

As his student of Astrology, this is my humble tribute to him.

Thank you friends. More to come on his subject.

Sethumadhavan Venkatrao

Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
+91 8838535445/9962859676


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