Guruji - The Supreme Power



Om Shri Uchishta Ganapathaye Namah

Sri Gurubyo namah                     Hari Gurubyo Namah                        Parama Gurubyo Namah 

Good day to All. Welcome back after a long time surpassing the pandemic invariably carpeted the World.

All living humans of this Universe are driven by some force or some purpose. To attain their goal each one chose different path and to travel towards it, they need the guidance of somebody in the form of a teacher or Guru - as told in Hinduism.    

A newly born child need to be fed and it is first the mother who begins her first lesson of feeding ably assisted by her mother or women relatives, may be a nurse. Thus starts the beginning process of learning and guidance.

As days pass by parents become the first teacher and in spiritual world, the father has been designated as the first or Prime teacher - Guru.

The learning process is on and the child steps into this materialistic world and starts its journey driven by its mind - the driving force of desire, coming across a number of teachers, advisers, coaches, guides, path-finders, etc.,

Everybody can ask a question within ones-self. Have I chosen the right path? Did my teacher show me a right way, direction towards my goal?

Philosophy can simply give an answer to this as - it is one's destiny or Karma in Hinduism.

But this answer can be overruled by a right GURU - A PARAMA GURU.

While a Guru teaches you what you want or wish, the Parama Guru chooses you or identifies you.It is finding your inner-self. He leads your mind rather than your physical body. Please do not mistake this as hypnotism. This is purely salvation.

Here, the Parama Guru trains the soul. The limbs, speech, life-force, sight, hearing, strength of the senses gain power by the teachings of the Parama Guru. It is an elevation from an ordinary person to great levels. It gives a transcendent energy.

The actions of an ordinary Man is limited to hearing, thinking, seeing to the extent of satisfaction required for his senses but fails to analyze and try to explore beyond his hearing, seeing.

The three stages of ordinary states of consciousness are - waking, dreaming and sleeping. Superseding al these three remains a fourth - the superconscious - transcending all the three. The first three states do not allow the mind to clearly save from committing errors. but the fourth stage gives strength to perceive the unknown which can be termed as spiritual science in a metaphysical form. The mind in its ordinary stage is like any other organ of the body, but when it is illuminated by a Parama Guru it becomes "mind of the mind".

An ordinary soul could be transformed into supreme when the grace of the Supreme - the Parama Guru - you call it by any name - God - God in physical form, Philosopher, teacher - anybody, but the one who identifies you - the who you are - bestowed on you.

Let thy be chosen by - Parama Guru.

Submitted at the Lotus feet of my Guruji Tiruppur S. Gopalakrishnan.

Scripted and published by

Sethumadhavan Venkatrao





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