Career - Stars Can Help You


Career- Stars can help you


A good day to you friends.

Welcome and Happy to meet you all after a long time in my blog post. As usual, I hope you will enjoy this as it contains something about your career choice on your celestial blessings.

Astrology chooses the personalities in three divisions in its spreadsheet Zodiac containing 12 Signs.

a) Cardinal - Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn

b) Fixed - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius

c)Mutable- Dual - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces

And add to this the elements of the earth - Fire, Earth, Air, Water

Shall we dive a little deeper? Kindly look at your Birth Chart and know who you are.

A Cardinal person looks for an active outlet for energy and scope for initiative, while a fixed individual will do better in a settled comfortable position with a routine where he can decide, but not with great push or enterprise. A Mutable person does better in a clerical or academic capacity.

On the same lines, persons under fire signs always have the inclination to be engaged in outdoor activities/occupations, earthly persons look for agriculture, farming, and stock-raising; persons born under airy signs look for mental activities and finally, Water sign people look at the sea, liquor trade and many every-day occupations.

Apart from this, each sign has its own affinities in the World of business and Profession.

Aries:    Engineering, Soldiering

Taurus:    Farming, Music, Cashiers and those who handle hard cash, stock-breeding.

Gemini:    Writing, driving vehicles for hire, teaching, Post Office, Printing, Journalism

Cancer:    Boating and Shipping, Trade of all sorts and shop keeping especially in household commodities

Leo:    Finance, Company promoting, management and control of many kinds, (may include amusements             and entertainment like Cinemas and stages) Stock Exchange

Virgo:    Medicine, Gardening, Writing, Physical culture, Clerical and Secretarial

Libra:    Dress. The wine trade, Seafaring activities, brokers and agents of all sorts, Jewellery, millinery

Scorpio:    Sanitary inspectors, Surgeons, Chemists, soldiers and sailors, undertakers, butchers, analysts

Sagittarius:    Religion and the law, professional athletes, publishing, exploration

Capricorn:     Politics, mining, Government employment, labour exchange officials, managerial posts of                             many kinds,

Aquarius:    Music and Science, many intellectual pursuits such as teaching and lecturing

Pisces:    Hotels, the drama stages, inns, liquor, painting, welfare work, charities, nursing, Trades connected with cloth and wool, grocery, footwear sale and manufacture, the sea and its related activities

When the above signs are rising, their influences affect the native's personal inclinations and affinity towards their goals, but the signs may also affect fate by being one or more of the three earthy elements - fire, earth and Water but not air.

It is in this way that people find themselves forced or drifting into uncongenial occupations the ascendant being the judge to strengthen their inclination. But some strong sign or planetary position in the 2nd, 6th or 10th places them in an entirely different place and work altogether.

Such cases as these are not uncommon, especially when people are born with strong planets in the 12th. Their early life is obscure and their conditions distasteful, but as the planets pass into the 11th and 10th in progression, their personal ideas overcome the obstacles denoted by their natal 4th and 10th houses.

In judging the above factors, attention to the strongest planet should be given as decides the category of things that are most beneficial to the native and most congenial to his own nature.

Last but not least, importance to Sun's aspects very important and the ruler/ascendant lord should not be overlooked.

The above synopsis regarding the individual best of the Signs are referred by revered Charles E. O. Carter, President of the Astrological Lodge and the First Principal of the Faculty of Astrological Studies, London.

Compiled and Published in the interest of Astrology enthusiasts by:

Sethumadhavan Venkatrao

Chennai, India

+91 9962859676




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