Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

 Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

Impact on Politics and Economics

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are though known, astrologically they are less significant in the eastern part and in Hindu Astrology while the western astrology considers them among planets of origin.

Still, We can know and understand their significance in the political and economic arena to consider in case of need.



Uranus can be considered as an abridged version of Mars as it emphasizes promptness and speedy execution, magnetic attraction, energetic body and explosive temperament when provoked or vehemently opposed. It gives People born with Uranus impact will work so quickly when driven to action and will be ahead of the times that others cannot cope with them. Electricians, explorers, inventors, astrologers, mesmerism/hypnotism practitioners, Radiologists and those with occult tendencies will be a few to mention. Their characteristics will include Self-reliance, sociability only with select individuals, unwilling to abide restrictions, eccentricity and ungracious, harsh speech.

On the negative side, they will entertain false, ugly and unnatural ideas of independence, fond of excessive sexual acts, perverseness in thought and speech - violent, self-destructive and revolutionary tendencies along with reversals of positions. They will face all untoward incidents in life, happening suddenly and unexpectedly. They will be harsh in their expression of opinions, critical or otherwise, without fear or favor, have no tact or diplomacy, with an unfavorable opposing mind.


Revolutions and political upheavals of sudden and unexpected nature and the break-up of existing conditions in the rapid creation of the new for the old order, Government Laws and regulations relating to the expansion of locomotives, railways, aviation, telecommunications,, wireless, electric concerns, municipal corporations, Trusts, etc., All actions bringing enhanced reputation, authority and dignity and influence for the Government. Installation of museums, stadiums, emporiums, institutions for science connected with research, and the creation of posts for the conduct of research in all the new and novel branches of learning, revival of ancient sciences are all part of the influential Uranus.


When Uranus is supportive, it brings in a boom in market for electric concerns, networks, communication equipment, wireless, explosives, uranium,, articles of antic value. It evolves renovations and inventions of a far-reaching utility tending to much success and prosperity for the nation.

Afflicted Uranus causes a crash in the markets mainly through unrest in the country from strikes, labour unrest, revolutions, protests, revolts, as also through the enactment of adverse laws by the Government. Train accidents, air-crash causing huge loss of human life and properties are exhibited by the Uranus in affliction.


In products Uranus refers to Electron, electric goods and wireless, Radium, metals and amalgams, Hessian (like a Jute Product). 


Uranus - considering it as a planet - has its point of exaltation as Aquarius by many others while a few mention it as Scorpio. As Uranus favors occult branches, inventions in the scientific branches including mathematical, astronomical, astrophysics, geodetic, the exaltation point can be construed as Aquarius.



Considering Neptune as a planet, the beneficial aspects could influence the feeling and emotion, sacred passion and vibrations, persuade to practice or power of thought transference, clear audience, crystal gazing, thought-reading, yogic culture, philosophy, spiritualism, a flair for novelty, inspirational and sensational poetics, instrumental music, elegance, refined imagination, respectability, versatility in dealing with mysteries of nature or operas. They tend to love democratic and cosmopolitan ideals and ideas and will be promoters, mystics, and visionaries.

When Neptune is adversely placed, it marks instability, inconsistency and infidelity, brings in chaos and confusion, cynicism, involves in conspiracy, complicity, commotion, circumambulation (Like sacred circling of a place like a temple, Tiruvannamali hillock or Ka'ba in Mekka), clandestine attachments and dealings. It reveals De-vitalizing, depraved and demoralizing tendencies and habits, mania and mental aberrations, addiction to drugs including narcotics, tobacco, opium, etc., Drug poisoning or deaths under gas, moving around as a vagabond or do not have a place to stay,  or live in exile, loss of consciousness and coherence far prior to death. In short, it can be compared to Rahu in Vedic astrology.


Powerful Neptune brings out inspired and spiritual men and establishment and expansion of societies of psychic and spiritual cultural centers. Government encourages aviation, navigation, shipping, and fisheries - Air and Water ferried activities including expeditions overseas, mountains and under the sea. Laws governing liquor, narcotics and poisonous drugs will be enacted and controlled.

Afflicted Neptune favors anarchic activities including anti-social and anti-democratic.


 Benefic Neptune support inflation of shares through unscrupulous means like syndicates and combines, illegal manipulation etc., Hospital expansions, increased asylums and prisons can be seen. New Companies mostly of unsound nature promoted by intriguing entrepreneurs will crop up.

Afflicted Neptune will cause dissolution of some companies, loss of ships leading to scarcity in marine products, expropriations of wealth including land and buildings, business without due compensation. Influx of refugees and their woeful helplessness and plight will haunt a country. The spread of communism, the evils of democracy will endanger the Government on one side and floods, storms and inundations on the other side.


Petrol, Tea, Oils, medicinal drugs like chloroform, ether, nitrous-oxide, sleeping agents, narcotics like cocaine, opium, barbiturates etc., artificial silk, fishing, aviation, and motion pictures.


Pluto, discovered in the year 1930 is faraway from us approximately 3748 million miles from us. In the zodiac, it takes roughly around 30 years to move from one sign to the next. Effects of Pluto are not fully investigated. It is considered as evil, ruling gangsters, racketeers, chemistry, radio and television. It may govern nuclear physics and atomic energy.

As concluding evidence of the impact of Pluto is unearthed, the information about Pluto is inconclusive.

Planetary Influence during Gestation

The average length of human gestation is 40 weeks (280 days), but a good deal of variation from this is possible. A week is one quarter of the Moon's revolutions. Birth both in human and animals is regulated by the Moon.

Both Uranus and Neptune are considered in arriving at the average work out days of gestation like other planets. The calculations are as under.

Planet                Synodical Revolution                Proportion                Days

Uranus                369.656 days                                3/4                        277

Neptune                367.488 days                              3/4                        276

Hence, the average of 280 days or 9 months approximate constitutes 3/4 of the year and hence the proportion 3/4 of the synodical revolutions are taken into account.

Though Hindu astrology do not attach much importance to Uranus and Neptune, their impact is more or less equivalent to Mars and Rahu in Vedic astrology.

The above information are sourced from text book written by famous authors and compiled in the interest of astrology lovers/enthusiasts.

Submitted at the Lotus feet of my Preceptor and Aacharyar Guruji Tirupur S. Gopalakrishnan (GK).

Compiled and written by

Sethumadhavan Venkatrao




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