Intricacies of Nakshatras

Intricacies of Nakshatras The relationship between a planet and the lord of the constellation is not unknown to the founding fathers of Astrology. The line of demarcation between Traditional Astrology and Stellar Astrology is thin or even non-existent. The Nakshatra lordship of planets which is the foundation on which Stellar Astrology rests is a corollary to the fundamental principles of Astrology. A building cannot survive if the foundation gets rocked which is to say that most scholars on Stellar astrology have chosen to erect an artificial barrier between Traditional Astrology and Stellar Astrology similar to the “Berlin Wall” which in my opinion would meet with the same fate as the wall separating East Germany and West Germany. I now invite the reader’s attention to verse 88 of chapter XIV of Prasna Marga. In his learned commentary on this book, Dr. BV Raman offers his interpretation through the following lines....