Know Your Enemies - Astrologically

 Know Your Enemies - Astrology

Aacharya Devo Bhava: Namaskaram Guruji

Philosophy says that Man is an enemy of himself. Is it true? Yes. It is. Many saints, Gurus, Preceptors, and Yogis have emphasised the need and also taught us the means to overcome the enmity which is inside in the name of ego.

Looking at it as an ordinary man in this materialistic world, enmity prevails from dawn to dusk and each day of a common man never passes without some sort of confrontation, squabbles, quarrels, fights, unpleasantness, envy, dislike, opposition in some form or other not necessarily with a known face and cause.

Apart from your daily routine, you may have to face different kinds of enemies of a static nature in life from birth to the final breath. Is there somebody or something that can rescue us or caution us to attempt a bid to escape or avoid? Certainly. Astrology can do it.
Astrology does help you if you have your pucca natal horoscope (birth chart). An Astrologer can guide properly by a careful scrutiny of the same and based on its revelations help in the material welfare of the native.

Astrologically, Lords of the fourth, seventh, eighth, and twelfth houses along with the planets posited in it were considered to reckon the enmity faced by a native as these four houses oppose tenth, 1st or ascendant, second or family. and the sixth house in a natal (birth) chart or horoscope - it is generally known as.

In addition to the above significators, the naturally malefic nodes Rahu and Ketu, are those planets which may afflict the luminaries. - the Sun and the Moon - or the ascendant must also be taken along with the houses they are in exhibiting the probable sources of loss or troubles.
7th House

If evil planets occupy the 7th house, they will oppose the ascendant. reckoned as the native and indicate the strife and open opposition from persons whose beneficial interests are contrary to those of the native.

Saturn in the 7th house shows deceitful opponents who will use fraudulent means to overcome the natives. Mars denotes the use of violence by opponents to harm the natives. The Sun in the 7th indicates the powerful opponents. Mercury in the 7th indicates commercial rivals and bad-mouthed people.

4th House

The evil planets in the fourth house denote those engaged in demoralising the native's dignity, honour, and credit.

12th House

These are enemies to the native's personal comfort, his secret foes, and those around him to stab at his back.
Benefic Planets in these houses when afflict the Sun or Moon will do harm in their own way but with less impact.

Any Planet - including the nodes Rahu and Ketu - afflicting the Sun or Moon are termed as enemies and their impact may be judged according to the nature and the house it occupies.
Good aspect from the benefics indicate that there is little or no danger of serious enmity.
Malefic posited in their own sign or exaltation throwing good aspect to the Sun and Moon or in no aspect to them, but conjoined Jupiter or Venus exposes the enmity to result in good.
The Lord of the 10th house afflicted by the Lord of the 6th or a malefic planet in the 6th, put the native to get hurt and face a fall from his higher position through his subordinates.
An enemy to be feared is denoted by a malefic planet in the 7th , 12th, 4th, or 8th house, posited in its enemy's sign of the Zodiac or debilitation and in the sign of afflicting the Sun or Moon. Such positions exert persistent and malicious enemies, who will injure the native continually and forcefully. Mercury badly aspected in any part of the placement shows enemies in plenty. If afflicted by Mars it produces scandal and slander. Saturn brings deceit and treachery.

1st or ascendant:

The Lord of the ascendant when well placed, exalted and well aspected by benefics denotes that the native never fears his enemies and if the Lord of the house is stronger than the ruler/lord of the 7th house, and the lord of the 10th house is stronger than the lord of the 4th, the native acquire strength to rise above his enemies and vanquish them completely. The weak position of the status above results in the reversals of the situation. If the ascendant Lord receives good aspect, then the native will rely upon and seek the assistance of others to overcome his enemies. If the ascendant lord possesses strength above that of the lord of the 7th, the native himself eradicates his enemies single-handedly.
If Jupiter is posited in the ascendant or 10th house, and the lord of the ascendant is strong with good aspect, the native overpowers all his enemies.

Concept and compilation by:
Chennai, Tamilnadu
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