Great women of Our house, we salute you


Great women of Our house, we salute you

The Boss is always right. Wait. Wait. First, select who the boss is.

You, he or she. Gender-wise it is a Male or Female – Right.

In the past and present decades, Men monopolise Key positions in Government, Industry and Military Institutions. But pushing them as words of the past, now women have altered the strategy and entered the deciding positions as is seen by the Vice-President Ms Kamala Harris of the US.

Are there any innate barriers that prevent women from attaining equal power or do men have something built that makes it more natural for them to command women than women command them? We must understand why male supremacism so closely Universal has been.

Females tend to underestimate male supremacism. They are afraid or frightened at things which prevent them from taking a lead, while it heralded men to dominate women from the primitive stages. It is the forbearance character of women as well as their child-bearing nature that may perhaps be allowed to be considered as the weaker sex of the two.

Many of the women argue that the sexes were equal when people lived in villages or hamlets or small mobile groups called ‘bands’, before the development of the environmental activities or culture and civilization. Anthropological studies of Contemporary bands and village people of the primitive era do not always indicate the presence of strong male-dominated institutions.

Not to mention less, political institutions show the same lopsided quality. Head of Statesman rather than Head of Stateswoman are the rule: as male chiefs rather than female chiefs. This is because the majority of band and village societies including the high-class feminism mongers regard women as ritually unclean, especially during menstruation.

Male dominance also shows up in the division of economic tasks. In almost all band and village societies, women do the dredge work, such as weeding, seed grinding, fetching water and firewood, carrying infants and household possessions and routine cooking. Virtually all village and band societies engaged in warfare in which males were the principal fighters if not exclusive combatants.

The appropriate response to this preoccupying fact of past and present male dominance does not, of course, lie in rewriting prehistory, in mythology, in test-tube babies or attacks on male anthropologists who exposed non-existent customs and beliefs. An investigation of the cultural conditions that have nurtured and sustained male sexism. It is not proper to advocate that men dominate women because it is natural for them to be aggressive and take control. Male supremacy is not a biological imperative or a genetically programmed characteristic of the human species. Nor is it an arbitrary social convention or a conspiracy among males to degrade or exploit women, as many radical feminists believe.

As long as our women folks are not tested for their patience, everything will be fine.

Please help yourself, sir.

Scripted by:

Sethumadhavan venkatrao

Chennai, Tamilnadu, India




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