Astrology and price fluctuations of Commodities

 Astrology and price fluctuations of Commodities

Excerpts from Sage varahamihira's Brihat Samhita

Jyotirvidya or Astrology - as it is commonly known - is a Sastra, Science that has been tested by the wise men of the east about its veracity in the crucible of their experience and penance of several centuries.
The Brihat Samhita of Varahamihira is an encyclopaedia of astrological and other subjects of human interest. Sage Varahamihira has delineated subjects thoroughly and masterfully based on the knowledge of ancient sastras and attaches the reasons whenever he differs from the ancients.

To proceed further on the subject, it is construed that Basic Astrology defining the Zodiac, the twelve housess and the characteristics along with the objects covered under each sign is known to the reader.

Sage Kasyapa is the authority on the subjective prospects for crops and their prices be it summer and autumnal. The prospects of the ensuing summer crops have to be judged from the planetary positions with reference to the anscendant at the time of the Sun's entry into Scorpio and those of autumnal crops gauged at the entry of the Sun into Taurus.

As we are going to look at the fluctuations in the prices of commodities, the subject concerning the growth of crops and classification of substances dealt in Chapters XL and XLI is surpassed

For consideration of the fluctuations in the prices of commodities, observations of excessive rain, meteors, Rod, halo, eclipses, mock-Sun and such other forecastings on the new-Moon and full-Moon days and also at the Sun's entry into a new Sign of the Zodiac every month should be made. Of the above, three critical days are new Moon, full Moon and the Sun's entry into a new Sign of the Zodiac every month.

Signs, Commodities and price fluctuations:

When the Sun enters Aries Sign, subjected to the portents, summer corn can be bought or collected. This would bring much profit by selling the corn in the fourth month.

Similarly when the Sun enters Taurus, forest roots and fruits can be collected or bought, stored and sold to get higher profits.

If one collects all kinds of Juice (or Juicy things or the six varieties of taste - sweet, sour, salty, spicy, bitter and astringent) and corn when the Sun is in Gemini - after observing the portents - and sells them in the sixth month, he will make large profits.

Likewise, one should store up honey, perfume, oils, ghee and treacle (molasses used in sugar refining), when the Sun is in Cancer and sell them in the second month. He will make hundred percent profit. He will sustain a loss if the selling time exceed two months period or sold within two months time.

Gold, gems, skins, armours, weapons, pearls and silver can be stored by one when the Sun is in Leo and sell the same in the 5th month to get good profits. He will sustain loss otherwise.

If one buys cowries, donkeys, camels and horses when the Sun is in Virgo and sells them in the 6th month, he will get an equal amount as profit.

If a person buy, store cotton cloths, gems, blankets, glass, yellow flowers and corn, when the Sun is in Libra and sell them in six months, he would make cent per cent profit.

One should store fruits, plants that grow underground like onion, garlic, roots and varieties of gems for two years secured during the Sun's transit through Scorpio and sell them to get a good profit equal to their price.

Saffron, conch shell, corals, glass and pearls can be bought and stored when the Sun is situated in Sagittarius and sell them in six months to get double the money invested.

Capricorn and Aquarius:
When the Sun occupies Capricorn and Aquarius, a person wishing to make profit should buy and keep metallic (or iron) vessels and grains and sell them after a month (When Sun move out to Pisces) to get double the amount of his investment.

One should collect roots, fruits, plants that grow underground like onion, garlic, vessels and gems during the entry of the Sun into Pisces and sell them after six months to get as much profit he desires.

The above profit making methods will fructify only when the Sun or the Moon occupy any of the Zodiacal Signs conjoined with or aspected by their very friendly planets. The friendlier expression admits ADHIMITRA and not temporary state. Similarly the aspect on the luminaries should be from strong benefics.

The Moon, full or in conjunction with the Sun (New Moon) being conjoined with and (or) aspected by benefics, promotes immediately the prices or articles or commodities or substances belonging to the particular Sign occupied by her. Similarly, the Sun conjoined with and (or) aspected by malefics, cause drastic fluctuations in the prices of commodities belonging to the Sign. Hence before making the price casting, the above conditions should be reckoned.

If the Moon is conjoined or aspected by malefics, prices will slump down. The luminaries should be in a benefit sign to extend good results.

Concept and Compilation by:

Sethumadhavan Venkatrao
Chennai, Tamilnadu, India


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