Astrology lights Oil and Gas in 2021
Astrology lights Oil and Gas in 2021
How will the year 2021 be to the Oil and Natural Gas Industry as per Astrological perceptions. That is what we are going to see in this Blog.
Well, what Astrology talks about Oil and Natural Gas in the year 2021. The Ruling Planet of Oil and Natural Gas is SATURN and he occupies and dominates his own zodiac sign with the ruler master JUPITER positioned along with him. What are the implications? Read below:
As mentioned above, Oil and Natural Gas is everybody's need. Each and every humane is a dependant on Oil and Gas one way or the other. Food, Dress and Shelter - these are the three basic needs of every individual poor or rich, have's or have not's, The President or the popper. Invisibly Oil and Natural Gas enable your survival. It has a Global effect when it prospers. Directly it impacts Transportation, Automobile Industry, Aviation, Turbines to your Kitchen. Its indirect impact could not be confined to few.
Heavy Industries, Loco, Supply-Chain movements, Allied Entries mostly and invariably depend on Oil and Natural Gas in one way or other. Exports and Imports are Directly proportionate to Oil Production or availability resources.
Automobile Industry will be a Major Industry that will see a real boom along with supply-chain management and perishables production at a slower phase. Shipping, mining and medical equipment manufacturing are some sidereal industries that can cherish.
Let's hope this to come true.
packed and published by:
Sethumadhavan Venkatrao
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
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