Kala Purusha - The Cosmic Man and his basic Impulses

 Kala Purusha - The Cosmic Man - His Basic Impulses

It is tough to understand the philosophical principles of Kala Purusha - the Cosmic Man. There is an unearthed relationship between the Kala Purusha and the human being looking for his futuristic considerations according to Astrological principles. The assumptions underlying the relations have never been exhibited. Still, they should be imagined as the universal life principle pervading the entire Universe which, according to its own beats, has been externalizing all forms of creation in subjective as well as objective existence.

The Cosmic Man is explicit in everyday phenomena - from the political arena to the expression of human feelings and emotions, efforts and disappointments, sickness and health which constitutes the subject matter of natal astrology. The vibration of this universal principle, the breathing of Kala Purusha, can be felt in the rise and fall of human civilizations, the changes in the earth's vast continents, and the birth and death of the Universe.

The inward impulses of the Cosmic Man are not merely a well-integrated philosophical system but reveal the celestial impact on the everyday affairs of man. The Kala Purusha concept is in a way used to superimpose his personified human form on the natal chart of the individual to assess the strength of the different aspects of his life. With the personified Cosmic Man, one may associate the various yogic force-centers or Chakras emanating from different parts of the human body. Depending upon which chakras are activated, different kinds of paranormal forces are energised and related faculties strengthened. On superimposing the personified representation of Kla Purusha, one will find some of the chakras lying within the zone of certain house divisions. The literature on yoga identifies seven such chakras each with a specialized function and operating in different parts of the human body.

The Muladhara or Root Chakra is located at the base of the spinal cord where the Serpent Fire or kundalini lies coiled. The Svadhishthana or Sexual Chakra is ruled by LIBRA, while SCORPIO has dominion over the Muladhara. The vitality flowing from the Sun is absorbed by the Svadhisthana Chakra. Part of that vitality nourishes sexual urges while another portion is directed to the Manipura or Naval Chakra, coming under the rulership of VIRGO, which produces various sensitivities and feelings. The Anahata or Heart Chakra in the zone of CANCER, receiving its share of solar energy, enables the individual to understand the nature and feelings of other people and life forms. When the energy flows to the Vishuda or Throat Chakra in the region of GEMINI, the individual acquires the faculty of enlightenment. At the Ajna Chakra, located between the eyebrows in the reason of TAURUS, the individual can maintain continuity of consciousness between dreams and waking life, as well as between different incarnations. Reaching the Sahasrara or Crown Chakra under ARIES, the individual is said to attain liberation and is free from the bondage of birth and death.

It can be observed from the above that the last three chakras (Vishudha, Ajna and Sahasra) are concerned with higher levels of consciousness, while Anahata (Heart Chakra) purifies human emotions and produces sympathy, love and compassion. The first three chakras (Muladhara, Svadhishthana and Manipura) are more concerned with the nourishment of physical faculties. On finding the relationship between these groups of chakras with different house divisions of the natal chart (horoscopes), one may comprehend the deeper forces activating the various levels of one's existence and the direction towards which they are channelled.

The diagrammatic representation of Kala Purusha given below shows the relationship between different parts of his body and the zodiac signs. Aries represents the Head of Kla Purusha, Taurus his face, and Gemini his neck and the upper portion of his chest and shoulders. Cancer is connected with his heart, Leo with his stomach, Virgo with his navel, Libra with his intestines, Scorpio with his generative organs, Sagittarius with his thighs, Capricorn with his knee joints, Aquarius with his calves and Pisces with his feet. The soul of Kala Purusha is represented by the Sun, the Moon is his mind, Mercury his speech, Mars his strength, Jupiter his wisdom and happiness, Venus his sexual life and Saturn his misery.

By studying the nature of the signs and planets to Kala Purusha, the astrologer succeeds in predicting the strength and well-being of different aspects of the individual's life. The association of these features with the natal chart of the individual is so useful in determination of the physical health. As an example when Aries is afflicted, the individual could have head injuries, brain defects, etc, the kind of affliction depending on the nature and strength of the afflicting planet.

Such associations lead to numerous predictive possibilities including physical maladies, marital relationships, professional hazards, and the general directions of life patterns along with its ups and downs by superimposing the concept of Kala Purusha on the natal chart (horoscope) of the individual. This will show how the universal life force wishes to direct the life of the individual to ultimately proceed to his goal of enlightenment.

Concept and Compilation by:
Sethumadhavan venkatrao
Chennai, Tamilnadu, India


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