Astro ca(u)re Part V


Astro medical Ca(u)re Part V

Dear Friends,

I firmly believe that you are enjoying this post and finding it to be useful in your day-to-day life.

Today we shall see the twenty-seven stellar constellations that are linked to the twelve Zodiac signs and their respective links to the diseases in detail.

Please find below table consisting of -  names appearing next to serial numbers as Names of the stars in English, its stellar constellations as next and their vedic astrology names in Tamil.

The Stellar constellations with their astronomical names with its name in Tamil

 1) Ashwini –Alpha, Beta –Aries                                                 அஸ்வினி
 2) Bharani – No 28,29,41 Taurus                                                           
 3) Krittika – Pleiades                                                                     
 4) Rohini – Aldebaran Hyades, Alpha, Theta, Gama, Delta and Epsilon Taurus
 5) Mrigashirsha – Lambda, Phi 1, Phi 2, Orion                        
 6) Aardraa –Betelgeaux – Alpha Orion                                     
 7) Punarvasu – Castor, Pollux with Procyon Alpha, Beta, Gemini-Alpha Canis Minor respectively                                                                                         
 8) Pushya – Gama, Delta and Theta of Cancer                           
 9) Ashlesha – Delta, Epsilon, Eta, Rho and Zeta Hydra         
10) Maagha – Regulus, Alpha, Ela, Gama, Zeta My and Epsilon Leonis      
11) Poorva Phalkuni – Delta and Theta Leo                               
12) Utra Phalkuni – Beta and 93 Leo                                           
13) Hasta – Delta, Gama, Eta, Virgo                                           
14) Chitraa – Spica, Alpha Virgo                                                  
15) Swaati – Arcturus – Alpha Bootes                                         
16) Vishaakha – Alpha, Beta etc Libra                                        
17) Anuraadha – Beta, Delta, Pi –Scorpia                                   
18) Jyestha – Antares Alpha, Sigma Tau Scorpio                     
19) Mula – Scorpio, tail stars                                                        
20) Poorvaashadaa – Delta and Epsilon Sagittarius                 
21) Uttaraashaada – Zeta and Omicron Sagittarius                 
22) Shraavanaa – Altair – Alpha Aquila                                      
23) Dhanishtha – Delphinus                                                        
24) Shatabhisak – Lambda Aquarius                                         
25) Poorva Bhaadrapada – Alpha and Beta Pegasus                
26) Uttara Bhaadrapada – Gama Pagasus and Alpha Andromeda
27) Revathi – Zeta Piscum                                                            

Each of these star constellations are indicative of a set of diseases. In this post let us take three star groups Ashwini @ Alpha, Beta of the Aries,  Bharani @ No. 28, 29 & 41 in the and Krittiga @ Pleaides.

1) Ashwini –Alpha, Beta –Aries                                      அஸ்வினி

Stars grouped above are indicative of the Planet Mars, the Lord of Zodiac sign Aries within 00 degrees to 13.20 degrees and controlled by Star Lord Ketu, One of the two Nodes.

Parts of the body the stars denote

Head, Brain, Skull, Small intestine and Bone binding nerves

Diseases indicated by the Stars

Critical nervous system of the Head, Head injuries, Blood clot in veins, Cerebral anaemia, Fainting Exhaustion, Epilepsy, Cruelty, Muscle contraction, Muscle twitching pain, One side headache, Nervous pain, Unnatural deep sleep, Unconscious dizziness, Cerebral haemorrhage, Rheumatism, Sleeplessness, Systemic fever, acid in head area, Glucose, Encephalitis, Fits, Measles, heaviness, Irregular vision, Irregular face


2) Bharani – No 28,29,41 Taurus                                   பரணி

Stars grouped above are indicative of the Planet Mars, the Lord of Zodiac sign Aries within 13.21 degrees to 26.40 degrees and controlled by Star Lord Venus, One of the Seven Planets.

Parts of the body the stars denote

Head, Brain, Eyes, Skull, External Nose, Tongue, Parts of Head

Diseases indicated by the Stars

Head injury, Cuts in fore head and around eyes, Cold, Psoriasis, Impaired face and vision, Wrongful intercourse, Masturbation disorders, Lung’s infection, Virginal discharge waste, Cold, hair, Liver diseases and after math diseases of drug addiction.


3) Krittika – Pleiades                                            கார்த்திகை

Stars grouped above are indicative of the Planet Mars, the Lord of Zodiac sign Aries within 26.41 degrees to 30.00 degrees (Forming One-fourth of the Star) and controlled by Star Lord the Sun, One of the Seven Planets.

Parts of the body the stars denote

Head, Eyes, Brain, Vision, Face, Neck, Windpipe, Sound card of Throat, tubercle, Lower Jaw, Back of the Head, Medulla oblongata, Cerebellum

Diseases indicated by the Stars

Cold fever, Systemic fever, Parasites in blood that causes Elephantiasis, Measles, Cuts and wound scars, Brain, Brain fever, Accidents, Acne, Burns of Fire accidents, Reddish eyes, Moles, Eye strain, Throat infections, Knee lump, Swelling in upper neck and Tumour in Nose.

 I whole heartedly thank my Guruji Tirupur Shri. S. Gopalakrishnan, Author of the book 'Medical Astrology' and a research Scholar in Medical Astrology. The points given above are from the 'Medical Astrology' book.

I humbly submit this write-up at the feet of my Guruji Tirupur Shri. S. Gopalakrishnan, Scholar and Astrologer by profession.

We shall see the next set of three stars in the ensuing post. 

 Concept and write-up by:

Sethumadhavan venkatrao

Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

+91 8838535445/9962859676















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