Family - Astrological Guidance


We are in the 23rd year of the 21st Century and it will be obsolete to go into the definition of Family concerning primitive stages where people lived in flocks. The shrinkage of the Joint family into the family now refers only to husband and wife and their children. The term husband and wife emanate only after their marriage which indirectly refers to their associated family of their parents and other relatives. Hence, the word Family inevitably includes all people in General. The Hindu tradition opts for a match of horoscopes/natal charts when a marriage proposal is initiated, and the role of an Astrologer is inevitable. From this stage, the Astrologer is invariably consulted at every point in time to find a good match for the couple to lead a happy life, their progeny, their health, their education, job opportunities, accumulation of wealth and the next cycle continues with their marriage, and so on and on.

Astrology is a highly respected science and nothing else needs to be said.

An Astrologer is not a God but only a Guide to caution you against rough weather and advise you to take an umbrella to safeguard from scorching Sun and pouring rain. He helps you like a boatman to cross the sea with tides and currents.

The Astrologer of your choice should come from a noble family, have a good look, modest in temperament, be true, impartial, and with good etiquette, and be active and courageous. He should be clear in his statement, witty, sincere and free from vices. He should worship Devas; observe fast and penance; must be conversant with astronomy and astrology and be able to understand the objections and points of differences.

Your approach to the Astrologer may be for a specific question or to know the life history of the person you are more concerned about. Depending on your need the Astrologer may suggest you get the answer through ‘Prasna’ or a detailed study of the horoscope/natal chart.

Compiled and published in the interest of Astrology enthusiasts by:

Sethumadhavan Venkatrao

Chennai, India



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