Momentary (e)motional mishaps

Man is a Social Animal What do we mean by Social. Sociology is the science of Society. Though society has a broader meaning, it is something about a group of peoples' association. The very object should be for good but sometimes it turns out to be for worst. And here, the outlook of the Man as a social animal skips 'social' in it and exposes only 'animal'. This reference I make in the events of suicide of individuals, brutal behaviour of rapists, rioters, mob attackers, communal violence mongers and the list is inconclusive. None of the animal commits suicide, abet suicide, Kills its pray for except for its food, create nuisance in human habitats, indulge into collective rape, etc., What is the reason behind all the above activities. A sharp look can tell you that all these are based on emotional outburst. An emotional imbalance, forces an individual to commit suicide. Induced emotions are the cause of rape and murder. But what is the case of riots, mob attacking? ...